NEW SNOW PLAN This snow plan takes into account Covid-19 regulations, requiring bubbles to remain [...]
New: DfE Track and Trace information for the end of term: For the first 6 [...]
Covid-19 parent letter [...]
We have a vacancy for a parent governor, so please click below to access the [...]
Good morning all, Dropping off There is a bit of congestion at the gates in [...]
Click here for family support during the holidays: [...]
Sept drop off and collection times W [...]
Please click the link below to find out about arrangements for September. Information Booklet about [...]
Dear Parents, Please click the link below. Thank you. Letter 25.06.20 about Fallow Deer [...]
Thank you to Year 6 parents who have let us know if they would like [...]
Please click on the link for a letter: Letter to parents 19.06.20 [...]
Dear all, Our pre-school, reception and year one class spaces are now full but if [...]
Year 2 to Year 6 parents and carers, If you are wondering about our care [...]
Due to the circumstances, the DfE expect schools to alter their behaviour policy. Therefore, please see [...]
Dear Parents and Carers, Following the Government’s announcement yesterday that schools can begin to open [...]
Children can be booked into the care provision if a parent is a key worker, [...]
Dear Parents and Carers, Please click the link below for our information booklet. All dates [...]
21.05.20 Dear Parents, Thank you for your patience whilst waiting for announcements of our plans [...]
12.05.20 As you will be aware, the Government has announced that children in pre-school, reception, [...]
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, West Gloucestershire Schools Partnership (WGSP) Headteachers’ Group would [...]
If your finances have changed over the last month or so and you want to [...]
Here are some links you might find useful to help keep your child safe online [...]
Please click for letter (click Read More if on an iphone) Easter provision [...]
Weekend Activity Planner 1 from Prostars Thank you to Jack and Josh for providing this [...]
Well the last week has been very strange, hasn’t it? We hope you are all [...]