Dear all,
Our pre-school, reception and year one class spaces are now full but if any key workers with children in those year groups need to return to work over the next month, we will accommodate this for you.
We want to make sure that we don’t run out of space for children of key workers, so thank you for your patience as we make arrangements for our growing care provision groups first, then Year 6 children and then potentially children in other groups. Thank you so much for providing us with info so that we can organise things for the children and as soon as we can, we will send out details.
It would be very useful if any key workers, who think they might return to work in the next month, could let us know.
The definition of critical workers from the DfE is in this link:
So please ring school or email if you think you might need care provision spaces before the end of term. Thank you for your help with this.
Regarding the summer break, the LA have said they will not be asking Gloucestershire schools to provide care but they might set up separate locality hubs; I’ll update you if there is any news from the LA on this.