Red Squirrels – Years 5 and 6

Welcome to Red Squirrel Class,

The children will need to come to school in PE kit on a Friday please. The children have all been given their reading records and it would help enormously if these could be brought in daily please. The children are expected to read to an adult at home at least 5 times a week and this can be noted in the record. The records also contain the various log on details for the websites we use, please make a note of these in case you want to use the sites at home at all. The children will also be put into groups for their spellings. A link to these is below, you will need to ask your child who the adult in charge of their group is to find the right ones. We have new spellings on a Monday, test on a Friday. Maths homework is set using MyMaths on a Friday, due in the following Thursday please.

As ever, I will try to update this page with pictures of what we are doing in class so you can share them at home. If there is anything you need any help with please do get in touch. Curriculum maps for each term are now on the main ‘Curriculum’ page of this website.

Best wishes,

Mrs Cotterell

Class Letters and pictures

Residential 2024

For our termly overview and relevant knowledge organisers please click the links on the Curriculum tab

Autumn term spellings

Mrs Wilson Autumn Term 1

Miss Waugh & Mrs Bushell spelling Autumn Term 1

Miss Waugh & Mrs Bushell spelling Autumn Term 2

Ms Iszatt spelling Autumn Term 1

Ms Iszatt spelling Autumn Term 2

Miss Brain spelling Autumn Term 1

Miss Brain spelling Autumn Term 2

Mrs Cotterell spelling Autumn Term 1

Mrs Cotterell spelling Autumn Term 2