Click on ‘Read more’ to activate the link for the Harvest Festival details. Harvest Festival [...]
BFG’s Dream Jars Year three and four children have been thinking about our aspirations week [...]
Our avid readers have been busy enjoying a range of books this summer and lots [...]
We held a special assembly on Friday 30th June to celebrate with our fabulous dancers, [...]
Click on READ MORE, then click on the link to find out what parents, staff [...]
On Friday 23rd June, we all gathered on the yard to see the grand ‘unveiling’ [...]
Aspirations Week! Aspirations Week was wonderful because so many people visited to tell the children [...]
On Saturday 10th June, visitors were welcomed to school to see the photographic exhibition, which [...]
Please see 2017-18 dates and note new end of Term 2 and beginning of Term [...]
Click on the link below to find lots of information about tax free childcare. Click [...]
What a fantastic opportunity-road safety sessions at Brownies! Well done everyone. Keep safe near those [...]
Y3 and Y4 were invited to a session all about Veterinary Science as part of [...]
Click the link below to find out how to apply for extra funding. For each [...]
Wow! Thank you to parents, children and staff for their great efforts with costumes to [...]
Here are some photographs to show the range of activities the children took part in. [...]
All classes did lovely creative maths activities during maths week, including a treasure hunt; Mondrian [...]
During our Internet Safety Day, year three and four children worked with Konflux Theatre to [...]
Well done to all the dancers for their participation in the club and achievement of [...]
Well done everyone for spreading Christmas cheer! More photos will be added over the next [...]
What a lovely evening! Thank you so much for supporting this wonderful event as everyone [...]
Thank you to Miss Haskett and Mrs Fawkes and all adults who went on the [...]
Class Dojos and reading A few parents have raised concern, in support of school, over [...]
Thank you all for supporting these discos and a special thanks to all PTFA and [...]
Many thanks to Andy, who gave an inspirational talk about his recovery from losing his [...]