If you receive an email saying you need to give your bank details regarding free [...]
If you usually apply for 30 early years hours code, you need to continue doing [...]
Dear Parents/Carers, 20.03.20 Thank you for the appreciation you have shown regarding the school’s [...]
Dear Parents and Carers 20.03.20 Further information was released during the night regarding definitions of [...]
19.03.20 [...]
Following the announcement about school closures, I confirm that we will close at 3pm on [...]
Please do not send children to school for 14 days if anyone in your household [...]
I am writing to you with information for the coming weeks, as it stands at [...]
Dear families, We appreciate that lots of families are worried about coronavirus and so please [...]
Congratulations to KS2 children who took part in a Primary Sports Challenge at Hartpury recently. [...]
What lovely costumes-well done everyone! We hope you had a lovely time in our parade [...]
We are very pleased to have received a letter from Mark Harper MP. Please click: Congratulations [...]
Woodpecker class had a lovely afternoon with our visitors, Des and Alan, from the British [...]
Trailblazers Programme We are delighted that our school has been given the opportunity to take [...]
Schools have been sent this about fire safety around Hallowe’en costumes, so we are passing [...]
Children and staff have arrived at the site, currently they are settling in at Kingswood [...]
Please click to see a letter about how we are encouraging healthy playtime snacks. Playtime [...]
These fantastic mosaics are a lasting reminder for us all about our Five Ways to [...]
Wednesday’s trip will be going ahead, please send children with wellingtons and waterproof clothing (spare [...]
In our assembly on Tuesday 14th May, we were [...]
Free, confidential advice for Gloucestershire families: Parenting support and advice line poster [...]
Please click this for information from the DfE. Information for parents – 2019 national curriculum [...]
The violin and ukulele lessons started last week and we are very impressed with how [...]
Children had a wonderful day and came back to school excited to share their news! [...]
I am delighted that following a GHLL visit on our well-being and mental health awareness [...]