Family Support and Wellbeing

We offer a range of support and advice, signposting you to external services if you wish. Mrs Gina Matthews is our Family Support Worker for specific family support. You will also find lots of helpful information by clicking on the links below or you are very welcome to come in to school to speak with us.

Contact: Gina Matthews, family worker, email or telephone 01594 542287.

 For information about our Early Help Offer – support and information for families

Happy minds My Happy Mind information for parents

Parent Relationships Matter Conference

Young Carers & School Census 2024

Information for Parents regarding Free School Meal support during holiday period

What’s on in Forest of Dean Libraries

Pro Stars Activity Camp Feb half term 24

Prostars HAF Holiday Club

Food bank information Foodbank

Pro Stars Summer Holiday 2023 – (Places are fully funded through the HAF programme for children who qualify for free School Meals)

Year 6’s Stepping up YMM and GHLL programme – July 2023

Barnardo’s Family Time information May 2023

Parenting Drop in Session at Woodside 16th May 2023

Solihull Parenting Workshops @ Steam Mills School Starting 18th April 2023

On line Safety tips for parents

 For access to food, activities and well being during the holidays.

Dance Classes at Drybrook and Cinderford

   FREE eight week ‘Nature Nurture’ series for children aged 5 – 11 Wilderness Centre Mitcheldean 

 The events will be held on a Saturday (starting Saturday January 21st) for eight consecutive weeks, and will last two and a half hours. It will be at the Wilderness Centre, Mitcheldean.

 Content will include tutoring from professional foragers, nature artists, story tellers and nature connection experts. The sessions are designed to build self-confidence, team-working and self-esteem, and so parents are asked in the referral form, to note any wellbeing needs.

Wilderness Referral form Registration form

Holiday Time Activities

Prostars Football May Half Term

Art Space Course for 6 to 11 years – Starting 2nd November in Cinderford

Parent course Information  Free 13 Week course to a Healthier, Happier Family

Beezee Family letter – free course for families – focused healthy lifestyle starting January 26th – in Cinderford

List of resources and useful links from Gloucestershire County Council:

December 2022

Cost of living support leaflet Nov 22

GCC_2848 Free school meals A4 posters_Dev3 (2) Information about free school lunches

Healthy Start –
If you’re pregnant or have a child under 4 and you are getting benefits, you may be able to get Healthy Start vouchers to help buy some basic foods. You also qualify if you are under 18 and pregnant, even if you don’t get any benefits. This important scheme provides vouchers to spend with local retailers and also gives you access to free vitamins. Pregnant women and children over 1 and under 4 can get one £3.10 voucher per week. Children under 1 can get two £3.10 vouchers (£6.20) per week. Find out if you are eligible to get these benefits<>.

If you’re not eligible, click here to see the alternative grants and funds available<>. Once you have applied for your vouchers and your application has been approved, you will receive your vouchers for food and vitamins (see Spend your vouchers for more information on how to spend them).

Young Minds Matter (YMM) Positive Mental Health in Schools through NHS support

We are delighted that our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a national programme to help make mental health support for children and young people more available when they need it.

We  along with other  schools from Cheltenham, Gloucester and the Forest of Dean  work with the NHS in Gloucestershire to introduce Mental Health Support Teams into schools.   Valuable support is being provided to identified pupils to help them with the ups and downs of life, with issues such as anxiety, friendship, exam stress and challenging behaviour.  This may involve group work and/or individual, one-to-one support, either at school or elsewhere. Where appropriate, the Mental Health Support Team will also link up with the specialist mental health services in Gloucestershire. They will also support parents and teachers to help children and young people who are experiencing difficulties.

Please contact our Family Support  Worker Mrs. G.  Matthews for more information and see links below:

Young Minds Matter > CYPS Gloucester Health & Care (

YMM Privacy Notice updated Jan 2024 Parent Information Sheet UPDATED (3)

EMHP Role and Training (1)

NHS’ Every Mind Matters contains invaluable tips for maintaining good mental health and wellbeing for children and adults

NSPCC pants-parents-guide-online The PANTS song is taught in schools-click on the parents guide to find out more.

Children and Young People
Adults and Children –

Family support poster –

Support Agencies

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 Click the link for plenty of ideas.

Children and Families Covid – 19 Support Pages –

Family first magazine – Coronavirus

Toucan  for Children – who support children with counselling through play therapy

Teens in Crisis Plus – who support the school with counselling for children and

Art SpaceOffer after school creative clubs, and also the ‘Your Future’ Project that supports families who suffer domestic

Forest Pulse A local registered charity which supports families living in the Forest of Dean who have a child with disabilities

Opportunity Centre Support for children from birth to 7 years with a special need/disability and their families

Gloucestershire Parent/Carer Forum information 

 Parent Carer Forum information

Useful Information for parents from NHS Gloucestershire Health and Care

Early Help Offer

Other useful  Links:

 Young Minds Matter


Developmental Milestones for 4-5 year olds

Glosfamilies Directory funding available

Family Lives

Green Square  – A short term intervention service to help address housing needs and promote independent living. Additional services include education training and work, budgeting, help with welfare benefits.

Two Rivers Housing Welfare and Debt Advisors help tenants with a wide range of financial

Salvation Army –Support for families in need of furniture / white goods.

Gloucestershire Young Carers Provides a range of services for young carers who look after an ill or disabled family member


Toucan  for Children – who support children with counselling through play therapy

Teens in Crisis Plus – who support the school with counselling for children and

Art SpaceOffer after school creative clubs, and also the ‘Your Future’ Project that supports families who suffer domestic

Forest Pulse A local registered charity which supports families living in the Forest of Dean who have a child with disabilities

Opportunity Centre Support for children from birth to 7 years with a special need/disability and their families

PCSO’s –Local community police service – who support the school with a range of safeguarding strategies including road and internet safety that relates to CSE, cyberbullying and on line safety against grooming.

GHLL An umbrella organisation for Gloucestershire Healthy Schools and Gloucestershire Healthy FE (Further Education).

FSM/Pupil Premium Funding –This enables the school to provide additional support for disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

Children & Young People’s (Mental Health) Service (CYPS)  –Support the school with a range of services that include counselling for children, and signposting parents to courses for advice.

The Advisory Teaching Service – Specialist support for children with a hearing, visual or physical impairment or difficulties with communication, interaction, cognition, learning and behaviour.

Educational Psychologists – A team of Educational Psychologists working for the Local Authority who offer a comprehensive psychology service for children, young people and their families.

Speech Therapy NHS – Speech Therapy Lead – who supports the school’s programme of SaLT (Speech and Language Therapy).

The School Nursing Service – who support the school by attending TAC meetings, visiting children in school and liaising with other agencies involved in complex cases.

School nurse Hub for Parents 8.12.22 – Topic Behaviour

Families First Plus – The Families First Plus Team is one of a range of teams within the Early Help Partnership. The role of Families First Plus Teams: They support the coordination and development of local partnerships, provide advice, guidance and support through Community Social Workers and Early Help Co-ordinators. Provide targeted support – a range of family support interventions including whole family intensive work, parenting groups, specific interventions linked to an assessment of need.

GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) – Offers support to anyone over the age of 16 who has experienced or is experiencing domestic abuse. you do need to talk to report domestic abuse we can accommodate you and find a private space within the school.

Positive Relationships Gloucestershire Leaflet 2020 (1)

SENDIASS (Gloucestershire Special Educational Needs and Disability Information)Advice & Support Service

Forest of Dean Foodbank

Samaritans Call – 116 123 email – jo@samaritans.org

Gloucestershire Counselling Support Self-registration via the

Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327

Help Hub – providing help during the Coronavirus Outbreak Telephone – 01452 583519

Domestic Abuse Support – GDASS Phone – 01452 726570
Police – 101 or 999
National Domestic Abuse Helpline (run by Refuge) – 0808 200 0247

Safeguarding Concerns  If you are concerned that a child may be in danger or is suffering abuse phone Social Care on – 01452 426565 or the out of hours emergency team on – 01452 614 194If you believe that a child is at significant risk of harm call the police – 101 or 999.NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
