
Uniform Policy

We would be grateful for your support in maintaining standards as we believe it helps children prepare for secondary school and consistency of uniform will also reduce competition between children (brands, logos etc). Uniform is required. We agree with the DfE’s focus on reducing uniform costs for parents. Supermarket brands are a great way to reduce costs and we do not insist on the clothes with the school logo on, hoping that is helpful. Black jeans or short skirts are not permitted, in line with local secondary schools.

If you do want the logo sweatshirts, the links are below.

Our school uniform is:

Navy sweatshirt

White polo shirt

Navy, black or grey trousers/shorts, skirts/pinafores/skirts

Pale blue striped or checked summer dresses

Sensible black shoes

Sweatshirts, polo shirts and T-shirts with the school logo on, can all be ordered from the school office, from School Trends www.schooltrendsonline.com/schools/woodsidePrimarySchoolGL179XP or from Tesco’s supermarket at  https://myclothing.com/collections/woodside-primary-school-13925

PE Kit

All children are expected to have a P.E. kit which is worn to school on specified days.

Green Polo Shirt

Navy or black shorts. Navy or black tracksuits/leggings for outdoor P.E. during the cold weather)

Trainers or daps

We do not allow P.E. to be done in shoes so it is imperative that they do have the necessary footwear.

All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the child’s name.  Any unclaimed articles of clothing will be put in the lost property box which is in the school office. P.E in the hall is done in daps or barefoot, not trainers.

Children in Years 3 to 6 may wear watches. Children should not wear jewellery nor nail varnish. If earrings are worn they should be small studs only (no hoops or dangly earrings) and these will need to be removed or taped for PE.  Long hair must also be tied back at all times in school.  We also ask that children wear suitable hairbands, Alice bands and clips that are in keeping with the school uniform colours. No responsibility will be taken for lost or damaged items.