Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the Government’s announcement yesterday that schools can begin to open more widely from 1st June, we confirm that the arrangements in our parent booklet will begin.
Therefore, any key workers children those with vulnerabilities or EHCPs who have booked can come from Mon 1st.
Any children from pre-school, reception and year one who have booked and had a phone call confirmation can start from Weds 3rd June.
If you have not booked pre-school, reception and year one places as yet, you cannot change your mind until 15th June at the earliest (unless you are a key worker).
To ensure safety for all, we need exact numbers on a daily basis at the moment. Care provision must be booked through
Thank you for your co-operation and we are looking forward to seeing more children in! Please make sure that if your child is at home, they are able to continue accessing the home learning activities and let us know if you need support.
School’s risk assessment is attached for your information.
GCC COVID 19 Woodside Risk Assessment for Educational Settings final