Our Governing Body

We are proud to be part of The Forest Federation of Soudley, Steam Mills and Woodside Primary Schools. We have one federated Governing Body, which is responsible for the three schools.

What does a school governor do? (from LA information leaflet) Together with the head teacher, governors set the future direction for the schools and decide how the school’s budget should be spent.

Governing bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies and the school improvement planning. Everyone works together for the benefit of the children and they are at the heart of decision making. Governors monitor the impact of policies and oversee the use of the school’s budget. They report to parents on the school’s achievements and respond to inspection recommendations.

They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints. Governors provide the head teacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. They may ask searching questions. The governing body respect the head teacher’s position as professional leader of the school. Being a Governor is a voluntary, unpaid role and the work of Governors is greatly appreciated by staff and families.

Who are our Governors?

Name of GovernorCategory of GovernorAppointed byDate appointedTerm of officeRegister of interests
Brian BirdCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28Supply teacher
Verity BrainCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28
Alison DavisLocal AuthorityGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28
Mel DavisHeadteacherN/A1.09.2010Four years 15.04.28
Graeme DrageParentParents15.04.24
Four years 15.04.28
Jessica FawkesStaffStaff15.04.24Four years 15.04.28Member of staff. Governor at John Kyrle High School.
Richard HallCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28
Alex LewandowskiParentParents15.04.24Four years 15.04.28
Georgina MatthewsCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28Member of staff
Sarah McleanAssociateGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28Member of staff
Jennifer ThomasCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28Member of staff
David WildinCo-optedGoverning Body15.04.24Four years 15.04.28

*Relevant business interests (eg catering, building, stationery, transport); other educational establishments they govern; any relationships between other governors and staff members such as spouse, partners or relatives

Governor Attendance Governor attendance at meeting 2022-23


Governor Committees We have two committees. The Quality of Education Committee deals with the curriculum, teaching and learning, provision, Early Years etc. The Business Committee deals with finance, staffing, resources and premises. Mrs Thomas chairs the Quality of Education Committee and Mr Hall chairs the Business Committee.

Associate Governors vote at committee level but not at Full Governor meetings.

We are fortunate that governors collectively have a wide skill and knowledge base including working in the police force, the medical profession, social care, HR, administration and school leadership.

If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors, Mr Dave Wildin, please contact the school or email chair@forest-federation.org

To contact our Clerk, email clerk@forest-federation.org