We celebrated World Maths Day today by exploring maths in art. More photos will be added-here is a taster of the day!
Little Dormice had a wonderful time investigating pattern and shapes, decorating Elmer.
Dormice children were exploring the work of Mondrian and painting with numbers-literally!
Fallow Deer children were investigating maths in nature, including creating symmetrical butterflies and times tables on caterpillars! They looked at Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Mona Lisa’ and took lots of careful measurements from their photographic self-portraits.
Woodpeckers explored the art of M.C. Escher and created their own artwork using tessellation of shapes, including ‘mats’ from plastic shapes and designing wallpaper. They used their knowledge of 2-D shapes, including the properties of different of 2-D shapes, including the properties of different triangles.
Red Squirrels investigated Kandinsky’s work, focusing on Composition VIII, which they recreated in groups to make a final class piece. They explored perpendicular and parallel lines; equilateral and isosceles triangles and used protractors to create circles.