Please return your parents’ evening letter asap if we haven’t had it yet. It is a great opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher about progress and attainment and if you would like to make an appointment with me at around the same time, please contact the office. As always, you are welcome to make an appointment at any time, so please contact the school if we can help.
There is much positive talk about ‘the curriculum’ at the moment due to a new Ofsted inspection framework and we are very pleased that our curriculum has recently been praised by Ofsted and conforms to the new framework. We are always thinking of ways to improve and enrich our curriculum though, with overt events such as the Konflux Theatre visit and Aspirations Week but mainly through our progressive themes within each subject and class. There is not a lot of time to share this at Parents’ Evenings, so have a look in the Curriculum tab and get in touch if you have any queries.
Through all our work we promote our School Values of determination, respect, friendship, tolerance, self-belief and courage. Please continue to support these values in partnership with us as we work with you and your lovely children.